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Paul McCartney + Beck - Find My Way (Official Music Video)
Watch one more Paul McCartney music video for his song titled Who Cares, featuring Emma Stone, here: MusicTelevision.com/2018/12/paul-mccartney-who-cares-music-video.html
Connect direct with Paul McCartney at PaulMcCartney.Com
Connect direct with Beck at Beck.Com
Director: Andrew Donoho
Creative Director: Byron Atienza
Choreographer: Phil Tayag
Producer: Ian Blair
Video Co-Produced by Hyperreal Digital
The Indies: TheIndies.Com
The Quiet Storm: TheQuietStorm.Com
X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com
Live Music Television: LiveMusicTelevision.Com
Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
Classic Music Television: ClassicMusicTelevision.Com
TV Música (Latin/Spanish Music Videos): TVMusica.Com
MusicLoad: MusicLoad.Com